Monday 23 July 2012

Day 64 Surfer's Paradise (Warner Bros Movie World)

Photos again today.  Makes for a nice colourful entry.  There was never going to be any sleep-ins this morning after a taste of theme parking.  Ashley woke at 0530, and swears that he couldn't get back to sleep so he went about waking everyone else up too.

Today looked beautiful with blue skies early, so we decided on Warner Bros Movie World for our park of the day.  We should however have checked the park schedule prior to leaving the caravan.  No biggie, we just arrived half an hour before opening.  So we are keen if nothing else.

We pulled into a near empty car park, and I only say near empty because the staff were already there, but we had all of the ticket booths to ourselves for 10 minutes until other early comers started to arrive.  We were parked next to the zebra crossing in front of the main gate in the first row.  How often can you claim that?

The park opened at 0930, but as a cruel twist of fate, none of the rides open until 1000.  Try explaining that to the kids.  It was ok though because as we keep reminding each other.  "We are on an adventure"

The kids have been super excited about coming to this park as have mum and dad.  There are 3 big roller coaster...The Green Lantern which is in the back ground here, Superman and Arkham Asylum which is said to be Lethal Weapon reworked, although it seems longer than the old Lethal Weapon.

Of course, the Batwing was shut today (Although that was not too big a loss as it is similar to the tower at Adventure World), and Rowan was excluded from near everything he wanted to go on.  We put Rowan in shoes with thick socks and spiked his hair to make him look taller, but they still wouldn't let him on to most of the rides.   There were many tears over this, and I'm sure there are going to be more during the week.  We hope to find him some new shoes that will get him the extra half a centimetre that he needs.

The really sad thing is that Ashley and Emma don't want to go on most of the thrill rides, even though they are tall enough, and Rowan is so disappointed when they tell him he can't go.  It's a bit heart breaking, and we have all agreed with Rowan that the rules suck.

Anyhow, WB Movie World is also about the Main Street, and the props and characters that the kids can meet.  We were pleasantly surprised today that the characters will let you photograph with your own camera instead of being extorted into buying the expensive professional shots ($25.00 per print)

We were having some fun looking at the props like this old car full of bullet holes, and some of the WB Cartoon characters.

Emma got straight into the swing of things, catching up with Tweety Bird and jumping right in for a picture.  Rowan was a bit frightened of a huge yellow bird handing out hugs, so wouldn't get in the picture.

He couldn't resist the Puddy Tat though, and when Sylvester came around the corner we were able to convince him that they weren't all bad.  I think he misses Willow a lot.  We weren't able to pry Ashley away from the cartoon that was playing on the big screen though.  Suffering Succotash.

We went to the ride the kids were looking forward to, the Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster, but it too was temporarily inoperable.  Off to the wild west then, for a bit of photo taking. Emma of course found the Johnson's Pony Express, and demanded photos...and ponies...and chocolate...

We then took the kids down to Wild West Falls...You should try standing up here!  This charming flume ride makes a point of describing how wet you get during the queuing process. 

We rode once, and upon returning, 
the lovely attendant asks "Would you like to go again?" to the raucous squeals from the boys.  Emma was clever and bailed out but the rest of us went to get completely soaked as we had only suffered considerable wetting the first time around.  It was good clean fun though.

We had just enough time to go for our first adult roller coaster (Arkham Asylum) before going to the stunt driving show.  I recalled seeing this the last time we were here (10 years ago) and it hasn't changed in that time.  Rowan watched in awe of the three cars in their dance of drifting.  Still good value. 

When we came out of the driving stunt show, Scooby Doo had opened up.  This ride was being built when we were last here, so it was cool to see how it all came together. 

The Spooky Coaster is probably more suited to the kids than adults.  It is a pretty decent ride with great props and sound effects throughout the indoor dark roller coaster, but the seats are a bit small for fat arsed fathers, and definitely too jerky and rough for delicate mothers that get whiplash on the bends and dips of the ride. 

The kids of course love this ride and Rowan is only able to ride with an adult.  Lisa and I braved this ride at least a half dozen times each for the kids until we drew a line in the sand and said no more.  Ashley would have gone on this all day if we let him.

We took the kids for a walk into the Loony Tunes section, and they all had fun riding various kids rides, including the Roadrunner Roller coaster.  I was very brave after riding Scooby Doo too many times and sat with the bags whilst Lisa took the kids on this one.

We had decided that it was time for another grown up roller coaster, so we stopped to get the kids a lolly show bag to keep them happy and Lisa and I went to ride the Green Lantern.  This is unlike any roller coaster I have ever been on.

The ride does not travel at high speed, but the thrill is in being inverted on the outside of loops, and 90 degree bank turns at great height from the ground.  A very smooth and fun ride.

On the walk back up main street, I had a chance encounter with this little kitty.  Nice kitty, cute kitty.  I have the best wife... who else will take photos of me with catwoman and let me keep the photos?  ME-Owww-oww-OWWWW!  What's with the bull whip lady?

We also came across Austin Powers and his flock of fantastic femme fatale followers.  Yeah Baby!

The kids also got to have a close encounter with Scoobie, Shaggy and the hot nerdy chick Velmar.  Considering the Spooky Coaster was their favourite ride, they were pretty stoked to get their picture taken.  Especially Rowan who decided to give everyone high fives.  It was nice to see him enjoying himself after all of the frowns and disappointments earlier in the day.

The kids wanted to ride Wild West Falls one more time, so I went on with them...twice.  Go figure.  I told Ashley after we were moving that I would only go the second time if he came on the Superman Roller Coaster with us. 

We managed to get him onto the ride, but in the end he came out crying because he couldn't keep his eyes open, and he wanted to go again.  He got his wish, and not only rode the Superman Roller Coaster again, which I might add is completely awesome with a high probability of being the best roller coaster I've ever ridden, but he also rode the Green Lantern twice as well at the end of the day.  Maybe he has surpassed his fear of thrill rides.

I hope we can get Rowan sorted out so he doesn't feel like this whole theme parking week has been a waste.  He rode the Scooby Doo Roller Coaster with his hands in the air, as well as several other rides.  He is just in it for the thrills.  Movie World didn't disappoint yet again for Mum and Dad, and the kids walked away with more lollies than they can eat, and Harry Potter wands to poke each other with.

Mum and Dad just bought Vodka on the way home.  We're happy too!

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