Saturday 18 August 2012

Day 90 Melbourne

We are still in relaxing mode supposedly, so we began today by sleeping in, and then having a miniature battle to get out the door with the kids journals up to date.  In the end we gave up and had to leave, as it was getting towards 10am and we were still in the caravan.

This is my boys behaving themselves on the train by bouncing up and down and squealing whilst poking out their tongues at their reflections.  Unfortunately we were the parents everyone else was looking at today. 

The up side of all of that was that most of the people in our carriage went and sat elsewhere, leaving us the entire train to ourselves.

Because the markets were shutting when we arrived yesterday, we decided to go back today and have a good look around.  When we got off the train at Melbourne Central Station, it was raining quite heavily, so instead of walking to the markets, we walked down to Elizabeth Street to catch a tram.

Here is my old local number 57 tram rumbling up Elizabeth Street...Ahhhh the memories.  It is only a couple of short stops to get to the Victoria Markets, but our conductor in his best clipped English called out "Nexta Stop...Queena Victoria Marrrrkets"  It was so good that it made our day...we still have the giggles over that one.

Saturday morning at the QVM is hectic at the best of times, so we got the kids to hold hands in a big long chain and dived into the throng that had gathered there.

We entered the market on the fresh produce side, and Lisa and the kids got to experience the vendors hard selling to passers by with unbelievable deals

"Best strawberries...three punnets for five bucks, you can't walk past that!  Lovely kids need fruit mum, five punnet each...have a look you wont be disappointed...They're not as good across the way, best buy today only mum...c'mon only five bucks this morning..."

The fruit and fresh produce goes on for ages, but it is a great experience if you have never been there before.

We didn't intend on staying at the markets for long, but that is just delusional.  We trolled up and down the aisles from C shed to N shed peeking and poking and searching through many of the stalls for bargains.

I love the Vic Market because it is a practical market with good things to buy unlike most of the arty farty fluff markets that we experience in Perth, and that we have experienced on the way around Australia. 

We managed to find Willow a new pair of Ugg boots to destroy when we get home, and also a nice three quarter length leather coat which she looks awesome in.  Ashley and I got a great belt each for $10.00 that were tailored to fit us.

There were also heaps of cool crafty things and interesting nick nacks that we poked around through.

The afternoon was getting away from us so we took a walk down to Flagstaff Train Station which was conveniently closed.  Instead of walking back to Melbourne Central, we jumped onto the historic city circle tram again.  Today the commentary was working although we only had two stops to travel...Perhaps we will get time to ride it again tomorrow before the football.

It was a long train ride back out of the city to Croyden where we parked the car this morning, and we finally made our way up to the Lynch / Hartley residence to catch up with my good mate Bernard from High School.

Bernard was very gracious, and had a pot full of steamed dim-sim's ready, and an awesome hot chili con carne to feed us on.  The kids pigged into 3kg of home made chips, and home made chicken nuggets.  By some strange miracle of nature, both the boys said that they were full. 

After a big feed, the kids got into watching movies, and playing dress-ups with Erin and Callum.  They were having such a good time that they forgot we were even there. 

Lisa and I sat outside on the porch chatting with Bernard and Rebecca until 1130pm when we decided it was probably a bit late for our kids, and packed them off into the car for the 30 minute drive back to the caravan. 

Of all of the days of our trip, this is really the first time where Lisa and I have been able to sit down and talk with other adults with a physical barrier between us and the kids.  It may sound weird, but we actually didn't have to do any parenting for four or five hours straight.

I am feeling quite rejuvenated now.  Thank you so much Rebecca and Bernard for your hospitality, for feeding us, for taking the time to entertain us, and for allowing us some sanity time.  It has been one of the best days of our trip.  No shameless photo's of you for the blog, but the memory has been fantastic.

Whilst in town today, we also found a heap more Mali's on our trip around...we are starting to get quite the photographic collection of is today's montage.

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