Sunday 19 August 2012

Day 91 Melbourne

It would turn out to be another very frustrating start to the day.  We all went to bed late last night which had everyone sleeping in past 0900.  The agenda was simple enough.  Football was at 3:15pm, head into town, ride the city loop tram, go to football, have dinner...Easy.

One of the stipulations was that everyone had to get their journal up to date before we left.  None of us thought that this task would take some of us over 4 hours to achieve.  There was actually more gnashing of teeth and wailing than journalling. 

We left the caravan at 1240 to go to the train station.  This did not bode well for us achieving our goals today.  I have to write down the dialogue from the ticket office at the train station.  There was a city express due in 4 minutes when I got to the window.  We shall refer to the parties as (ME) being myself, and (SM) for station moron.

ME - Two Adults and three children day tickets please.
SM - Do you know there is no Sunday Saver any more?
ME - Fine. Two Adults and three children day tickets please, I don't want to miss the next train.
SM - The trains run every ten minutes.
ME - Awesome, I would like to catch the next one, can I have two adult and three children all day fares please?
SM - That is going to be expensive.
ME - I know, can I have the tickets please?
SM - Have you got a MYKI?
ME - No we are from interstate, I just need two adult and three children all day tickets, we are leaving tomorrow.
SM - It would be cheaper on MYKI
ME - (With 2 minutes remaining to get the tickets) Can I go into the city with my family without paying?
SM - No you need a ticket.
ME - Can I have two adult and three children all day tickets PLEASE?
SM - Sure...How many adults?
ME - (Beginning to weep) TWO!
SM - And two children?
ME - THREE! (Am I in  a Monty Python Sketch or what?)
SM - That will be $42.70, how are you paying?
ME - Card...Credit please and I will sign.
SM - Can you put in your pin?
ME - NO! I will sign.

I had Lisa and the kids wait on top of the access bridge for me so we could save some time.  As it turns out, we ran down the stairs onto the platform and into the train just as the doors were closing.  I expect I will see that exchange on funniest home videos some time.  Seriously I was waiting for the bouzouki to start playing.  This is a ticket office is it not?

Alright, there is my rant for the day.

Yesterday whilst we were visiting Bernard he gave us some face paint for the kids.  They have been badgering us all morning for face painting, and there was one gigantic teary tantrum about it, but as we are kind, generous, forgiving and totally worn out parents we relented and painted their faces for the football.  Rowan was first, with the Eagles logo on one cheek, and Lisa did a very good Sydney Swans logo on the other (Sydney Vs Western Bulldogs) 

Emma didn't want an Eagle, so she got the Sydney logo and a West Coast Unicorn on her face.  Ashley had to be different, so he chose a West Coast Eagles Snake and a Sydney Bat...which is really more of an Essendon Bat, but it is hard to explain that to a nine year old.  I think mum is pretty awesome with the artwork on a moving train.

We made it to SPENCER STREET station (Southern Cross...PFT..) and walked across to gate 1 where we sat down to have some Nando's for lunch where we caught up with Matt and Kristine.  It has been a great re-connection with family and friends here in Melbourne.

We had come to watch footy at Etihad though, and Matt had obtained great seats down on the wing right next to the interchange gates.  In the true spirit of Etihad, you can see the whole ground from just about every seat in the stadium, and these were no exception. 

The Dogs even put up a fight in the first quarter giving us the hope that the game would be interesting, but Sydney fired up in the second quarter and buried the bumbling Dogs with a goal avalanche.  20,000 people in the ground and I would estimate 15,000 were Sydney fans.  The kids had chosen Sydney because dad said they would win...I must be psychic. Lisa chose them because she already had the red and white jacket.

After the footy we parted ways with Matt and Kristine...It was great to catch up with you Matt and lovely to meet Kristine.  Thanks for a great afternoon at the footy.

We caught the city loop tram back to Crown Casino, and decided to take a walk up the Southbank Promenade to have a look at the flames again before going to my favourite restaurant for dinner.

All along Southbank are sculptures and public art works, which we wandered around and past.

We saw the love seat here, and decided to get Ashley to take a photo of us.  He did a pretty good shot considering he had to use the flash and hold the camera really still.

I love that gorgeous woman giving me smooches...You're the best.

We watched the flames again whilst standing directly beneath the towers.  Spectacular, but the camera wigged out whilst I was trying to take photos.  Further up the mall, there was a horse drawn carriage that Emma squealed about and ran off to.  I think she likes ponies or something like that.

More of those pushy, rude, annoying tourists spoilt this though by running in and out for photos, spooking the horses.  The driver came and shooed everyone away.

More Malis...that would bring the photo tally to 21/50.  Not bad considering that they are spread out across the whole city.  Does that mean that we saw 42% of Melbourne?

Dinner was at my favourite restaurant "THE MEAT AND WINE Co."  I love this place.  It is full of atmosphere, and great food.  Lisa almost fell over when she picked up the menu, but it is one of those places where you have to ignore what it costs, and just order what you want.  Our last big fling meal before retreating to sandwiches and barbeques again.

Rowan got to order steak...he was pretty happy.  Emma got pasta...she was stoked.  Ashley got fish and chips...he found his favourite too.  Lisa and I both go New York Grain Fed Rump with Gratin Potatoes infused with Truffles and a Cream Spinach Puree and cherry tomatoes....YUMMY!

Lisa had been having a bad day, so I got her a relaxation therapy drink.  The PORN STAR was a vodka martini infused with passion fruit pulp, and it came with a side shot of champagne.  She relaxed after that.  TEE HEE!

The train ride home was too late for the kids, and we ended up with three asleep in the train.  It was very difficult to rouse them for when we had to get off the train, and I ended up having to carry Rowan to the car in a fireman's carry.  His limp sleepy body draped over my shoulders.  This got a few giggles from the punters at the station, but Rowan didn't care too much.

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