Wednesday 22 August 2012

Day 94 Mount Barker

Urgh!  Lurgy, poor night's sleep, congestion...Poop.  I did go back to bed around 0300 this morning when the cold and flu tablets took hold, and managed to sleep in until 0830.  Tania has been wonderful, and had prepared bacon and eggs for breakfast.  We feel so spoilt at the moment. 

The morning was spent relaxing, whilst the kids did their journals.  Lisa and I did a little research on the trip home, and have modified our destinations slightly now we know what we can achieve in a day.

Just before lunch, Tania led us off towards Hahndorf where we made a quick detour past the old windmill, and then over to Beerenberg Strawberry Farm...The home of Beerenberg Jam.

This is not a place that we should have come to, as all of their jams, chutneys, sauces and preserves are totally delicious, and as a result we spent way too much here.  Barbeques at Rob's over the coming months are going to be particularly tasty.

From Beerenberg we went into Hahndorf which was established by a German family in the 1800's, and has retained the architecture, charm and culture of a small German village.  We walked down the street past the local butcher, and stopped quickly in a traditional sweet shop (Pictured at the top) that sold humbugs, fudge, and all manner of delicious things.

The afternoon was catching up with us though, so we stopped in at the German Arms Ale House for a quick bite and a sup of ale.  Both Lisa and I couldn't go past the Pan Seared Pork with Apple and Walnut Sauce.  YUM! 

Tania got a hot dog with a Bratwurst Cheese Sausage, and Ashley ordered the most ridiculously big Chicken Schnitzel Burger...which he finished!

The whole town of Hahndorf is charming and quite at odds with the modern town.  It still has the very quaint old school European feeling about it. 

Lisa and I took the kids, and we left Tania at Hahndorf where she had to collect her niece and nephew from school.  Our destination was Gumaracha to visit the BIG Rocking horse.

This attraction is one of the iconic BIG things that we have been able to see on the trip.  The kids were in awe of the size, and then we got to go inside and climb it.  

There is a cafe attached to the rocking horse, as well as an animal sanctuary that had alpacas, peacock, cockys, sheep and other assorted animals.  The other attraction at The BIG Rocking horse is the Toy Factory.  Here they make wooden toys, puzzles and games.  The craftsmanship is beautiful, and they are all made on site in the workshop.

We lingered here for some time looking at all of the different toys, trying to decide whether or not to get a souvenir, but eventually we got some sulky tears, and left in frustration.  

I loved the distance marker sign, only 2100km left to get back to Perth.  That is only 3 days driving if we put our mind to it.  

It was a really lovely and relaxing day again.  Tania has been so generous and kind, opening her home to us and taking care of us. 

I have seen a pattern in the way things have happened recently.  Any day that we have spent with family or friends, has been refreshing, relaxing and memorable.  Perhaps Lisa and I are starting to crave other adult company.  It has been wonderful to spend time with the people that we have seen whilst travelling around, and we are both looking forward to getting back home now to catch up with the rest of our friends and family.

It just goes to prove that the most important things in life are the whos, not the whats.  I can foresee a very large homecoming party shortly after our return. 


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