Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 22 Lake Argyle to Litchfield National Park

We bade farewell to WA today, crossing the border at 8:30am WA time and jumping forward 1.5hrs. We stopped for the photo-op at the border sign and were reunited with the Ferarri clan (the kids' friends from Kununurra) who were doing the same. Then we were off. I took the morning drive and we had no planned destination today. The schedule said Katherine, but we figured all there is to do there is cruise Katherine Gorge. We are all gorged and cruised out at the moment, so we thought we would see where the drive took us.

The Gregory Ranges are so beautiful and it was a nice drive especially between Timber Creek and Victoria River. We didn't stop at either spot because all 3 kids had fallen asleep and we thought we'd best take the opportunity for quiet, stress free driving. We did stop about an hour out of Katherine when I started to get tired after 4 solid hours of driving, had lunch, then Rob took over.

In Katherine we stopped briefly for fuel and some groceries, then continued on. The sun set at a much more reasonable time of 7:30pm and we saw a bit of wildlife towards then. Notably a few wallabies crossing the road and some water buffalo! The termite mounds here are enormous. One we saw dwarfed the large Brahman cow standing next to it by an extra 2/3 of height.

As we were passing through small towns I took advantage of phone reception and rang ahead to Darwin to book an extra night ahead of our planned stay there - no problems, we will now stay there for 5 nights. Tonight we have safely arrived in Litchfield Tourist Park, just 4km outside of the national park entrance. Set up in the dark was challenging, but we are well practiced at our routine now. The sites are a bit haphazard and weirdly shaped but maybe it will look different in the morning. We are here for 2 nights, so will have the whole day tomorrow to explore at our leisure.

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