Saturday 16 June 2012

Day 27 Darwin

This morning was for some reason a bit harder to get out of bed.  Even though we went to bed early, no one slept particularly well.  We got ourselves sorted though, and took off for the Adelaide River and the Jumping Croc Cruise.  We were advised by the Darwin Tourist Bureau that the Adelaide River Cruises (Morgan Bowmann...Boat Skipper) was a really good experience as they have a smaller boat and it is a more intimate cruise.  There were only a couple of us there and I was expecting a very small group until the two minibuses showed up, and a bunch of Americans alighted as well.  What we found out later was that these guys were the band Simple Plan who are in Darwin for the V8 Supercars, and are the headline act on Sunday Night. 

Morgan was fantastic, taking us first downstream where we were able to see a few of the female crocs jumping, although it was just on high tide, and a couple were quite happily sunning themselves in the mangroves.  When we made a turn to do the upstream leg, Morgan got some small portions of buffalo meat and threw them up for a whistling kite that he calls Jaws.  Jaws caught every piece expertly in his talons and fed himself within two flaps of his beautiful wings.

We made the trip up stream on and on until a monster of a crocodile called Big Scotty came out for a bite.  He is one of two big males in the area and measured in at approx 5.5m long.  Big Scotty was very impressive, and he was so close I could have touched him if I had the courage to stick my hand out.  Scotty seemed extremely interested in Emma, and kept looking from the buffalo meat to her in her bright pink dress and hat.

A little way further up stream, we came across Brutus.  Brutus is another 5.5m crocodile who is the flagship sight on this tour.  Brutus is estimated to be between 80 and 100 years old, and although he has lost most of his teeth, I don't doubt for a second that he would have had one of my kids for a morning snack if they'd stood any closer to the railing.  Brutus is a bit of a celebrity with this photo getting over 17 million hits on the internet.  Trust me when I say that the photo is real, and Brutus is a monster.  


We saw also a beautiful White Breasted Sea Eagle, that Morgan fed a lump of meat to.  I was able to snap this photo of the amazing creature in flight. 

We also saw many other animals including a Jabiru, some Ibis and an amazing bright blue Kingfisher whilst on this cruise.  Morgan was brilliant and very knowledgeable about the wildlife.  The kids all got a turn at driving the boat up the Adelaide River while Morgan went forward to talk to the guests.  This was another attraction that was recommended by my father, and yet again failed to disappoint.  I thoroughly recommend this cruise to anyone who comes up to Darwin.  Stay away from the big boats that have hundreds of tourists on board, and no personal service, and get into the wild on this very intimate and personalised tour. 

From the Jumping Croc Cruise, we went to have some lunch at the Window on the Wetlands - Visitors Centre.  None of us had expectations and the kids were miserable about the prospect of going in.  Once inside though, the two biggest drawcards of all were that it was air conditioned and FREE!!.  The kids loved this place with its interactive displays and information boards.  Even Lisa and I wandered around trying out all of the buttons and displays.  David (Custodian/Ranger) was extremely helpful, and chatted openly about the wildlife and the history of the area.  In the end, we had to force the kids out the door and back to the car.

From the Window on the Wetlands, we made our way back to the infamous Humpty Doo Hotel for a beer and an afternoon snack.  I took a photo of the buffalo horns that are behind the bar, and again at my fathers request, imagined the beast that they came off coming towards my car at 100kmh.  I shudder at the sight.  I can't believe that the wedges we bought were more expensive than a pint of beer.  My kind of pub. 

From Humpty Doo Hotel, we stopped only once more to take a quick photo of the boxing crocodile (below).  From there we returned to the caravan park for a dinner of butter chicken that has been slow cooked since this morning, a well deserved bourbon and a rest.   What a day.  I've said it before, I don't know how this trip could get better, but it was just brilliant today, and I have memories that will endure for a long time.  In two words "Bloody Brilliant"

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