Friday 15 June 2012

Day 26 Darwin

Yesterday was such a big day, we didn't crawl out of bed until almost 0800.  This morning there were games at the jumping pillow for the kids, so we used the opportunity to wash some clothes and towels.  Most had a delicious smell of my morning coffee which we mopped off the floor, table and bench seats after Emma distributed it to them prior to my drinking  *SIGH*

Lisa wasn't feeling well this morning so she had a lie down and we all relaxed in the caravan with a book.  The kids book is an ipod, but whatever keeps them quiet at this point is a godsend.  We stayed here until after lunch and then went to the military museum at East Point to have a look at their display. 

 The inside was fascinating with interactive displays and touch screens, and a 13 minute video complete with flashing lights during the strafing scenes and loud bomb explosions that frightened the children.  The first building was air conditioned, so we lingered there until the kids were getting stares from the other visitors, and then went to have a look at the rest of the displays outside.  There was an impressive collection of vehicles, aircraft wreckage, parts of the submarine net (Cables and buoys) and guns.  There were several types of artillery, anti aircraft and anti naval cannons on display, including a 6" anti ship cannon and the big 9.2" behemoth that could lob a 175kg shell 27km. 

There was also a very good static display of WWII and modern weapons (Guns and Swords).  All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed all that this museum had to offer.  I learnt a fair deal about the reasoning behind the attack, and the methodology of the attack.  Certainly, the museum is a highlight of any visit to Darwin.   

We finished the day with a quick shop to resupply for the weekend, and then back to the caravan for afternoon tea.  Lisa and I have made an executive decision that the kids will be in bed early tonight and we are going to demolish a bottle of wine and eat chocolate and cherries. 

We have purchased some citronella candles so that we can do this outside without fear of the mozzies.  The small ones are easy to spot, they have jockeys, but the larger ones are equipped with radio equipment as they need tower clearance to fly this close to a commercial airport.

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