Saturday 9 June 2012

Day 20 Kununurra

Lisa and I sat and watched some tv last night (Game of Thrones on the laptop) and went to bed late.  For some reason, we found ourselves awake early and I had an urge to cook.  So with Lisa and the kids outside, I set about making the Western Omelette of the Gods!  Bacon, Capsicum, tomato, Cheese….Hell Yeah!  So after my double Ristretto and heavenly omelette, I set about relaxing for our last day of quiet before the oncoming expanse of the Northern Territory.

We read a bit and relaxed for a while at the caravan park before going on a brief trip into town.  First stop was the Mount Romance Sandalwood Factory, and we set about smelling all of the creams, oils, incense and colognes.  I found one (Cologne) that I found quite pleasant, but struggled to put a flavour on.  We learnt that up here they have been growing the Indian Sandalwood since 1999, and the crop takes 15 years to mature.  It is also requires 3 host trees to grow, as it is a parasite.  First harvest is due in 2014, and the crop is going to be worth millions of dollars.


We then travelled on to the Hoochery (WA's oldest bootleg distillery … Rum) where we trialled their liqueurs, and had a divine morning tea that we shared between us.  We had both the Chocolate Rum Cake, and the Fruit Cake which were both devilishly good, but I had a minor preference for the Fruit Cake with the Rum soaked mango. 

 From the Hoochery we drove back into Kununurra where we were able to get some meat from the butcher, and some bread from the bakery.  We also got a chance to have a look at the local market, but it was a bit uneventful.  Back to the caravan for lunch and an afternoon of relaxing again with a good book.  The kids finally won out and we let them into the pool for a swim which lasted all of 15 minutes before they decided that the water was too cold and asked to leave.  Now those of you who know me well will observe that even I was in a track suit and shoes.  I know it is Kununurra, but the breeze off the lake was fresh, and it certainly hasn't been warmer than mild.  The kids are crazy.

This morning whilst making potions with their friends, Emma hurled one of our sand castle buckets into Lake Kununurra...just like at the Stromatolites, the Johnson's have been and left their indelible mark on a beautiful piece of nature.  This afternoon, the rogue bucket made an appearance near the shore again.  "Don't go near it" cried mother…"there are crocodiles and star pickets in the lake."  But dad full of bravado and love for his children reached with the broom handle for the bucket, slipped fell into the lake and landed chest first on a star picket...YAY!  The bucket remains in the lake.   The bruising and abrasions will heal...eventually
Tomorrow we head to Lake Argyle and have the sunset cruise on the lake.  May be a couple of days until our next post...we shall see how Telstra coverage holds up from here to Katherine.

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