Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 31 Mataranka to Tennant Creek

The order of today was driving, driving, driving, driving, driving.  We started off this morning very relaxed and packed up at our leisure and made our way across to the Mataranka Thermal Pool.  This was the one that Lisa remembered from her childhood, although the park was very different to her memories.  There were lovely board walks down to the pool which had been converted with concrete and steps and sidings and has very tall high power sprinklers to ward off the flying foxes.  The contrast between the warm water of the pool and the cold water of the sprinkler was invigorating.  Me being a chicken though, I held Emma above my head and let her take the brunt of each shower.

Mataranka Thermal Pool was so refreshing and relaxing that we stuck around until 1130 before leaving and starting our marathon.  We had decided to drive until we couldn't go any further or until it was dark, whatever came first.  We actually made it to Larrimah before stopping for some lunch because the kids were hungry.  That was all of a 35 minute drive.  We saw a sign that said fresh home made pies for sale on the way, and I changed my mind about the light fruit lunch I had planned for myself.

Fran's pies were worth driving for.  Lisa had an egg and bacon pie which was full of vegetables and smothered in mash potatoes.  Lisa sat silently for 20 minutes whilst she gorged herself on this delectable feast.  I had a fresh homemade roll with homemade silverside and homemade pickles and homemade mustard (Exceptionally sharp and bitey as warned by Fran.) NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM!!!  My goodness Fran is a culinary genius.  Love your work Fran.

We then set about our task of the long drive.  The scenery was very dull, and I have a glimpse at the emptiness of the Barkly Table Lands to come.  Toileting called on everyone and our next stop was Daly Waters.  This was supposed to be our camp for the night but we are trying to pick up the extra day to fit Kings Canyon in. 

Daly Waters Pub is brilliant.  The first thing I saw when I approached the pub was the most remote Australian traffic light, and the two parking meters out the front.  The inside of the pub is amazing.  Young ladies leave their bras and panties for the bar and there are old tshirts and rugby tops down the back of the bar.  Plenty of cloth badges across the front wall, a never ending line of hats and a money wall covered in currency from other countries.   All of the pillars inside the pub have foreign coins glued to them and outside is a thong tree and thong vine that covers a large undercover area. 

When we left, I noticed the sign pointing to the McDonalds drive through 286km away and the helicopter on the roof.  Now this may be a curse of the generation, but I didn't understand the words painted on the helicopter. I read it several times.  "I mac hopper."  I was pondering how Apple had influenced the bush when Lisa corrected me.  "Im a chopper"  DOH!

We drove on and on and on...Past Dunmara, Newcastle Waters, Elliott (which we can't help but say like ET), Renner Springs, Three Ways and pulled into Tennant Creek at sunset.  We took on fuel, found out who made the best pizza in town and lobbed into the first caravan park we drove past.  Shower was not hot at all, but we have a place to sleep, we have collected our extra day.  Some smooth talking has convinced the caravan park in Alice Springs to cancel our 2 night stay and roll our extra deposit into our 4 night stay next week.  Not a bad day when you consider we managed to fit in 600km from lunch time on.

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