Thursday 7 June 2012

Day 16 Purnululu (The Bungle Bungle)

We rose early after a fairly decent nights sleep in the tent.  It was cold, and mildly uncomfortable, but still worth the effort.  We managed to pack up camp fairly effortlessly, and got underway at around 0730.  I have a new gate bunny, and couldn't help at giggling when Ashley tried to open the gate the wrong way, and it came back and whacked him on the bum...I'm pretty sure I saw Lisa smile too.

The trip back to Halls Creek up the Tanami Road was brief and uneventful.  We made great time and averaged 100kmh for the trip.  We got back with enough time to wash dishes, pack the caravan, and have showers which felt heavenly after being covered in dust and smoke from the campfire.  We grabbed a couple of provisions from the IGA and headed off out of town without getting fuel as nobody had any diesel for sale.  (We since found out that the Variety Bash had been through town and cleaned everybody out.)
We saw plenty of Eagles and other birds of prey again on the road, and the roo count is growing rapidly.  I haven't seen a live roo since the drive from Tom Price to Karijini at dusk.  The cows seem bigger than I remember the, but maybe that is just because they are so close to the road and I don't have any chance of stopping with the caravan in tow. 

At approx 1330hrs we reached the Bungle Bungle caravan park, and booked our van in for two in storage and one for tomorrows bed.  I grabbed a couple of Magnums for our drive into the Bungle Bungle (Purnululu National Park) which seemed disgustingly decadent considering the drive we had in front of us.  The road was much more challenging, and more akin to a rollercoaster with sharp climbs and dips, and tight turns for the 52km length.  We would have crossed 7 or 8 creeks with at least 3 being substantial enough to warrant low range gears. 

I keep reminding everyone that we are on an adventure.

We were told that the drive would take approx 2.5hrs, but we seemed to make really good time again and the drive was 1 hour 15 minutes to the visitors centre.  We stopped here to check in, and talk to the staff about the best way to spend our short time here.  We have booked a helicopter flight for tomorrow, and set about making camp for the evening.  Again we were able to get organised in short time, and managed to hike up to the lookout to watch the rocks change colours as the sun set over the ranges. 

We finished last nights spaghetti for dinner and as always, it tasted better on the second day.  Our decadence continued with peaches and custard for desert...I am now feeling way too spoilt for one day.  After dinner, we finished our day roasting marshmallows again at the communal campfire, and I learnt how to find true South using the Southern Cross and the two pointer stars.  Learning every day.  Every day has been worthwhile, and each day is bringing new adventures for us, so I look forward eagerly to tomorrow and seeing the Bungle Bungle close up.

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